Sunday, December 11, 2016

Where Would We Go?

Here is a new Hymn inspired by the answer to a question posed by Christ after having preached some difficult doctrine that caused some of His disciples to abandon Him.  He asked His Apostles: "Will ye also go away?"  Peter's answer is instructive to all who may be troubled by hard doctrine: "Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life." (John 6:67-68)

Here is the Sheet Music

Where would we go without Thee?
Where could we find our peace?
All of our blessings come from Thee.
We shall from Thee never cease.

Who would be there to teach us
Words of eternal life?
Thou are't the Light in darkness who shows the Way
Thou are't our comfort in strife.

Thou are't the Great Redeemer,
Sent forth to save us all,
Kneeling in old Gethsemane,
Saving the world from The Fall.

Doing the will of Father,
Breaking the bands of death,
Thou are't The One who suffered for all our sin.
Praise we with every breath.

Friday, December 02, 2016

Christmas is Coming

I think it's about time for a new Christmas song. Try this one on for size.

Here is the Sheet Music

Christmas is Coming

Christmas is coming. Christmas is near.
Bright lights are burning and carols we hear.
Songs of the Christ Child are sung every night while
Starlight shines brighter with heavenly grace.
Hearts glow with love for the One who gave all,
Lighting the world with a hope that was born in a stall.

Christmas is coming. Christmas divine.
Shepherds and Wise men will help to remind
Gifts of the season should flow from the heartstrings,
Honoring He who was born for to save.
Blessed Redeemer, what gifts can we bring?
Lives full of laughter and joy for our glorious King.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Never For a Moment

I have been working on a love song the past two months in celebration of 34 years together with Laura. The tune and lyrics are mine. The arrangement is by Kevin Pace.

I sang it for the first time to Laura last night. 'Twas well received (made us both cry a little). Though I had not planned for any additional audience, Michael happened to be home last night with a date in tow, so there was a little extra romance in the air to boot.

Hope you like it.

If you are interested, here is a copy of the sheet music to help you follow along (copyrighted).

Never For a Moment
by Mark Fotheringham

Never for a moment, have you believed you are a beauty.
Never for a moment, have you considered you are wise,
And never for a moment, could you see the strength within you.
But Baby, take a moment now to look into my eyes
And see that you are beautiful,
So wise and strong and beautiful.
Believe me from this moment, you're a beauty in my eyes.

Never for a moment, could you believe you are courageous.
Never for a moment, have you considered you are bold.
And even when I kiss you, you may doubt you could be wanted,
But you are right here in my heart, the best part of my soul.
Believe that you are beautiful,
So brave and bold and beautiful,
Believe me from this moment, you're a beauty in my eyes.

You've borne me children,
Raised them all up right.
You have brought me comfort
All my days, and in the night,
You bring me all your loving
And set my spirit free...

Can you see here in this moment
You are beautiful to me?
Remember from this moment
You are beautiful to me.

Never for a moment, have you believed you are a beauty.
Never for a moment, have you considered you are wise,
And never for a moment, could you see the strength within you.
But Baby, take a moment now to look into my eyes
And see that you are beautiful,
So wise and strong and beautiful.
Believe me from this moment, you're a beauty in my eyes.

You've borne me children,
Raised them all up right.
You have brought me comfort
All my days, and in the night,
You bring me all your loving
And set my spirit free...

Can you see here in this moment
You are beautiful to me?
Forever from this moment
You are beautiful, so beautiful to me.


Thursday, November 03, 2016

Songbook Published
More on the Way

I'm please to report (late as usual) that although I have been ignoring the blog posts, my keyboard has not been idle. Prolific composer Kevin Pace has been pumping out the tunes and I have been cranking out the lyrics. We have compiled all but the most recent 25 or so hymns into a book called The Sacred Songbook - Over 100 Original Hymns for SATB Voices. The book is available on Amazon and at Day Murray Music (4916 State St, Murray, UT).

It is about two years of work putting these together. So much fun to see it published. I really am less interested in the sales of the book than the prospect of some choir actually singing at least some of the songs in the book. My own ward choir has taken on a few of them over the past year or so, and one one was sung at a college convocation (Drink From the River - page 26), so that's a start.

In the mean time, we have a few more that we have since written. I'll try to post the best of them when I get a chance.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Constant the Love

Here is a new hymn I wrote for music by Kevin Pace.

Constant the love of our Savior.
Constant the pow'r of His grace.
He will ever be there in your times of trial.
Constant His loving embrace (embrace).

Faith is a flower unfolding,
Rising aloft from a seed.
Faith planted by heaven so long ago,
..Waiting to bloom at your need (your need).

Sure is the promise of springtime.
Surely the dead rise again.
All the children of God are eternal spirits.
Surely they live, foe and friend (and friend).

Hope is a dream ever shining,
Lifting the soul to the sky.
Hope cheers every heart with the light of truth,
..Giving you courage to try (to try).

Trust in the work of the Gospel.
Trust in the way of the Lord.
All your service to others is sanctified;
So trust in the truth of the Word (the Word).

Love is the way of the Savior,
Lighting the way of the right.
Love forges the heart with celestial fire,
..Thus may you live in His sight (His sight).

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Two Robbers

Here is a new hymn I wrote for music by Kevin Pace.

Upon the cross, in agony He suffered.
On either side, two robbers hung aloft.
The Sinless One! With sinners He was punished,
Yet still He taught until His life was lost.

The robbers looked upon a soul now tattered;
One looked with scorn, one with humility.
One saw a man bereft of pow'r and glory;
The other saw his Lord in Majesty.

One knew no shame and taunted there the Savior:
"Now save thyself, if power you can claim."
Confessing guilt, the other showed contrition:
"Remember me," he asked despite his shame.

The Savior answered him who showed compassion:
"Today shalt thou, be met in paradise."
Two robbers hung condemned for sin committed,
But only one would have to pay the price.

In every heart, two robbers seek the Savior.
Condemned to die, they seek to hide their shame.
One scorns the law to justify his actions.
The other seeks a purifying flame.

When justice comes, the power of Atonement
Can pay the price demanded by the law.
Oh may my heart be molded by repentance;
Bless me with strength to mend my every flaw.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


This hymn was composed by Kevin Pace the day before his first wife passed away (cancer) back in 1993. He writes: "I wonder what I was thinking to write these hymns when she was so gravely ill.  I don't really remember...except we were all crying out to God for help in an extremely difficult time." He asked if I could write something to reflect that history.

Knowing that no words can erase the pain and suffering that accompanies cancer (both for the afflicted and their families), this, nevertheless, is my attempt to reach out in the only way I know how:

Just as the twilight e'er will fall,
Darkness and grief will come to all,
Piercing the heart with sorrow sore
Begging the question, "How much more?"

Those who will turn unto The Lord,
Will find there a Friend who keeps His Word,
Promising all the Spirit's aid,
Succor and peace through all He paid.

He will not leave you comfort-less.
Reach for Him now and He will bless.
Even in darkness, seek the day,
Feeling by faith to find your way.

Hearing your cries, He shows His hand.
When blessed by His strength you understand
All grief and pain you can endure,
Here in His light, a peaceful cure.

Earthbound Souls

Another Hymn I wrote and Kevin Pace composed last month. Feedback welcome.

Earthbound souls ever dream of flight.
Set in darkness, we long for light.
Winter winds spark a love of fire.
Loneliness ever fuels desire.

Trials endured strengthen all good men.
Weakness mastered staves off sin.
Wisdom blooms from experience.
Foolishness sires common sense.
Good and evil are side by side;
Agency lets your heart decide.

Sacrifice is the path to God.
Narrow ways lead to freedoms broad.
Reaching upward, we seek Thy face.
Falling short, we rely on grace.

Lifting others, we'll lifted be.
Finding truth will set us free.
Blessing others will leave us blessed,
'Til we find eternal rest.

Good and evil are side by side;
Agency lets your heart decide.