Sunday, December 11, 2016

Where Would We Go?

Here is a new Hymn inspired by the answer to a question posed by Christ after having preached some difficult doctrine that caused some of His disciples to abandon Him.  He asked His Apostles: "Will ye also go away?"  Peter's answer is instructive to all who may be troubled by hard doctrine: "Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life." (John 6:67-68)

Here is the Sheet Music

Where would we go without Thee?
Where could we find our peace?
All of our blessings come from Thee.
We shall from Thee never cease.

Who would be there to teach us
Words of eternal life?
Thou are't the Light in darkness who shows the Way
Thou are't our comfort in strife.

Thou are't the Great Redeemer,
Sent forth to save us all,
Kneeling in old Gethsemane,
Saving the world from The Fall.

Doing the will of Father,
Breaking the bands of death,
Thou are't The One who suffered for all our sin.
Praise we with every breath.

Friday, December 02, 2016

Christmas is Coming

I think it's about time for a new Christmas song. Try this one on for size.

Here is the Sheet Music

Christmas is Coming

Christmas is coming. Christmas is near.
Bright lights are burning and carols we hear.
Songs of the Christ Child are sung every night while
Starlight shines brighter with heavenly grace.
Hearts glow with love for the One who gave all,
Lighting the world with a hope that was born in a stall.

Christmas is coming. Christmas divine.
Shepherds and Wise men will help to remind
Gifts of the season should flow from the heartstrings,
Honoring He who was born for to save.
Blessed Redeemer, what gifts can we bring?
Lives full of laughter and joy for our glorious King.